Last year, of course, I had surgery in March and spent the rest of the year recovering. I managed to play in six tournaments anyway, but at only somewhere between 50% and 85%. I was still feeling a little stiff at Nationals, and I was definitely not at full strength due to the seven months of inactivity pre- and post-surgery.
But by springtime, I was back to 100%, though of course 100% ain't what it used to be. I did some sessions with a personal trainer through an online coupon, then I discovered a cardio/core group workout in town and have been going once or twice a week since then. Add in the usual basketball/softball/tournaments/other workouts and I'm actually feeling pretty strong these days (again, see above 100% comment).
Because it was free, I applied for the World Championship of Beach Ultimate team, and got picked for the Masters team. When applying, I thought that I probably wouldn't go if selected, but once the selection actually happened, I got a bit stoked about it, so I'll be heading to Italy this August.
My frisbee season kicked off at another Italian beach tournament, Paganello, which is like Spring Break but with a four-day ultimate tournament thrown in. I played again with the team known this year as Los Rabbit. We had 17 players, up from about 11 two years ago when we lost in the finals as Los Ox. (The team won last year as Los Tiger but I couldn't make it.) This time I spent the day in Milan on my way there and walked around the city. I'm always impressed by the huge churches, in this case the Duomo, which when built was supposed to be able to accommodate all 40 000 of the city's inhabitants. As always, hanging out with friends and taking part in the event's festivities are a large part of the tournament. We had cocktail hour at the seaside hotel every night, including one night where the hotel had a wine and cheese party for its guests (we assumed at first that there was a private function, but then we found out it was for us, fresh off a late game). The big tournament party as always featured lots of people wearing weird costumes to fit the theme.
This was the tournament where I felt most like a role player. I belonged on the team, and I could have played more without the team getting worse as a result, but I could have also played less without the team getting worse. PT was fairly even in pool play (we never called subs), and I was moving and playing very well. Prior to the quarterfinals, for some still undetermined reason, I completely hit the wall and felt like I was running in very thick and deep sand. I couldn't even play without feeling like I couldn't make it through the point if we turned it. (I did get a layout block early but am pretty sure it was gift-wrapped for me by the thrower.) I took myself out of the game because it was so close and we had lots of options. I recovered a bit for the semis later that day but still felt pretty crappy. Even the next day after a relatively calm Sunday night, I still felt like crap, so in some ways, my performance in the finals should rank among my career highlights, even though I only played 4 or 5 points (about half of our O points), since I had to go all-out just to play (and I distinctly remember hearing myself breathing fast while running down the field). Anyway, got my first Paganello championship. Perhaps my biggest accomplishment, though, was in making my flight back despite the Italian transportation system doing its best to thwart me. Don't believe it when you hear "at least the trains run on time."
A few weeks later was the White Mountain Open. Rain forced us to move to a multi-purpose sports facility in Quechee. But never before had I seen a combination driving range/inclined polo field. We started off the day with only 7 players and added two late in the first round. We played well enough through 1.5 games before collapsing. I had to start calling timeouts to give us some extra rest. (It didn't help me that I had done a particularly hard cardio/core workout the day before.) We got a few extra people on Sunday and that made a big difference, and we stormed back to take 9th place. At 13-13 in the finals we threw it away in their end zone, but Alex made the defensive play of the day. He ran "full speed" into an opponent and his girlish yelp of pain/fear threw off the cutter enough that he stopped his cut to see what was going on and the disc (which was in the air) hit the ground. We punched it in, then got a break to win 15-13.
Next was the GM qualifier. One of the teams bailed and blamed the USAU for their not knowing what was going on, so we played only two games. Again I had a hard cardio/core the day before so was a bit fatigued, but it didn't matter. Our whole team played a bit sloppy. We won, though, and qualified for the GM championship, which is this weekend in Ohio.
A few weeks later was the Boston Invite. The Masters RC was able to work it out with the TD that we could have a pool of Masters teams on Saturday, thus counting as a Masters tournament that will require one fewer team at fall Masters Regionals in order to avoid the anti-wildcard. We had our best day of DoG Masters in quite some time, winning all four games, including 15-10 against the Canadian team GLUM (who weren't at full strength). We played a team of Dominicans + Brodie + a couple other Americans in the 9-24 pre-quarters, jumped out to an 8-4 lead, and limped home to a 14-12 win. This put us in the 9-16 quarters against Mephisto. We were already starting to lose players and so did open subbing. We started out well, going up a break, and even had a second break but it was called back on a pick that the defender would have had no chance on, we turned it, and they didn't look back. We were then scheduled for two consolation games, but we were down to fewer than 10 people who _could_ play and nearly 1 who actually _wanted_ to play, so we discussed with the other teams and arranged it so that we didn't have to play and the teams who wanted to play could play.
And as I mentioned, this leads us to today. We are seeded 2nd in the GM tournament, with a likely semifinal matchup against Surly. Top seed and defending champ Old And In The Way is most likely not going to be as strong as last year due to having to leave Colorado this year (and the rest of us will not have to acclimate). It's always a pleasant change to go from playing against young kids who are eager to lay out into you to playing against old guys who are even more afraid of hurting themselves.
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You mean the play at WMO where I had to take a sub and was almost concussed? I guess...
Ah, Pagenello. We played together there the year it was you, Bim, Asako, the German dude, and we lost in semis. I asked you to bring your A game to semis, and you said "okay . . . well, A minus." Maybe '97?
Anyway, only posting here to say I asked you a question on RSD about your post on the NexGen stats stuff.
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2019.08.29 酒店經紀對於大學畢業剛入職場的新鮮人,找酒店工作和面試就成為畢業最大的課題。而近日就有網友在網路上酒店經紀 PO 出一篇文章表示非常可惜,一位學經歷都不錯的酒店兼職年輕小女生,竟因為問了兩個問題,就被酒店客人老闆放生了。讓原 PO 不禁感嘆,有時候公司文化會在乎一些小細節,導致「酒店打工合適的框出陪睡被放生」,此文一出,引發大量網友熱議。這位網友在網路論壇《 mobile01 》上 PO 出一篇「其實找工作沒那麼難,就怕你抓錯重點踩到地雷」表示,自己某天幫公司面試一個行銷人員,原 PO 看這個年輕的小女生學經歷都符合要求,反應也還算機伶,對這份工作也蠻有熱情。本來原 PO 打算結束後,跟老闆回報一下,就可以請人資通知上班。不過讓原 PO 沒想到的是,偏偏就在面試要結束的時候發生一個意外,在原 PO 最後問她對我們公司有沒有什麼想了解的時候,這小女生就天真無邪的問出了「每天都能準時下班嗎?請問有沒有三節禮金?」。剛好直接讓一旁的老闆聽到了,於是小女生就失去了這個機會。這讓原 PO 大嘆「其實,我是覺得有點可惜的。畢竟,雖然常聽到工作難找,但以公司的角度要找合適的人也並不容易。有些公司文化(尤其是傳產)又格外在乎一些小細節,於是有時候會眼睜睜看著合適的求職者被放生」。而網友看完後紛紛留言說「鬼島工作難是難在人跟文化,準時下班很難嗎?」、「應徵面試是不對等的儀式,一方是工作經驗老到的主管,一方是無任何經驗的新鮮人,如果為了一丁點自以為的職場潛規則錯過可用的人才,對公司發展不見得是好事」、「我反而覺得這女孩問的正確,不要到時候踩雷,浪費自己人生」、「我們新人都是問:我事情都做完為什麼要等到下班才能走?」、「面試是雙方面的,公司想挑人,面試者也想挑公司。公司如果心態是這樣,比較容易錯失人才。反過來看,面試者會這樣問,說不定貴公司也已經被她打槍了」。
2020.07.09弗洛伊德曾說過一句意義深遠的話,真實酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容的暗疾是渺小,偉大的暗疾是。 希望大家能發現話中之話。 問題酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?的核心究竟是什麼? 我們不妨可以這樣來想: 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?在這種困難的抉擇下,本人思來想去,寢食難安。 而這些並不是完全重要,更加重要的問題是,儘管我在我在酒店上班的日子看似不顯眼,卻佔據了我的腦海。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我們不得不面對一個非常尷尬的事實,那就是,當前最急迫的事,想必就是釐清疑惑了。 每個人的一生中,幾乎可說碰到我在酒店上班的日子這件事,是必然會發生的。 韋斯利曾經說過,「人要隨時隨地利用所有的方法,使用各種手段,在有生之日,盡力為善。 」這段話可說是震撼了我。
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