Tuesday, December 02, 2008

No love for the Coop cut

This week's Huddle discussed endzone offense. I liked Wiggins' talk about using easy breaks or non-break breaks.

Ostensibly, DoG's endzone offense has always been the swing/strike regenerative offense with the 45 degree "gut cut" thrown in as an option. However, we've always had an alternate that has never really been codified. This year at Worlds, we really started going to this option a lot, and finally named it after Michael Cooper, who perfected the shoulder shimmy Coop cut.

So what is this cut? It's just a quick step to seal off the defender, and cut directly in front of the thrower, no more than 3 yards away. Break or no break, it's very easy to throw a soft pass over the marker's arm. The only way the defender could block it would be to lay out before the throw is made. The cut is ideally made from about a foot inside the endzone.

Alex and I have always preferred the cut from the front of the endzone instead of the back. As the various Huddle contributors pointed out directly or indirectly, the cut from the back is a race to the cone and good solid defense (front, keep the buffer but not too much, don't get turned) can usually stop this while tiring out the cutter. The cuts from the front rely on soft break passes or the threat of the soft break. The horizontal cut straight across the field is tough to hit only if the pass is fast.

The key to the cut is that the thrower needs to be ready to throw. If the thrower sees the cut and reacts to it, it might be too late. He doesn't have to be sitting on the throw, although he can, but his weight needs to be set so that he can immediately move to it. For this reason, I don't think I would recommend this as a default endzone offense for any team other than ours (although Frank might like it because a power move can lead to a goal).


Frank Huguenard said...

This is what we've been running called the 'power move' for about 20 years. It's pretty unstoppable and not only used for scores, but anywhere on the field.


parinella said...

The Coop cut itself doesn't really leave the receiver in a good position to throw. It's pretty much right to the cone and heading OB. Some of the other cuts from the front would indeed leave the receiver with an immediate look downfield.

Frank Huguenard said...

Once again Jim, you're proving your lack of depth. A power move cut should generally be followed by an inverted pivot leaving a multitude of throwing options, either back to the guy who threw it to you or, because the inverted pivot released the marker, for a chicken winged scoober.

Yaacov said...

Watching video of top teams scoring with the disc on the front cone and the cut coming hard to the cone across the front line, then going one step towards the break for a little scoober or high release has me wondering why top level teams don't talk to the mark to step off and take away that short break at the receiver rather than trying to block it at the thrower?

The receiver's defender doesn't have a hope of stopping that throw and the only other defender around is the mark, who can't stop a three yard flip break anyway, so why not get the mark to step back a yard or two as the cut comes across the front and become the "poach" on the break side cut?

Anonymous said...


In my opinion, taking that step off opens up throws that are just as dangerous and easier to make.

You open up the mild invert, which is a hard cut to cover while taking away the force side. Also you open up a direct swing, without losing yardage, which makes the swing's continuation throw pretty easy.

That said, if they can score with a high % on that break it makes sense to take away what they want to do, force them into something different.

Fryjol said...

Hi, I´m from Colombia, and understanding the cut is giving me problems. Anyone has a link to a video? maybe I can understand it better.

Anonymous said...

If i remember correctly, I think I saw Rhino using horizontal cuts to the force side in some highlight videos they put up a while back.

梁爵 said...

日本稱坐檯小姐為俱樂部孃(キャバ嬢)。她們的主要工作是陪客人唱歌、跳舞、口交、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、喝酒、聊天等,雖然一般不可以提供性服務,但容許客人稍微撫摸身體或親吻臉頰。少數知名的俱樂部孃在當地社會上會有相當地位,除了一些有機會進入演藝圈外,更有人獲委任為市觀光大使和成為暢銷書作者的特殊情況。

梁爵 said...

2019.10.10台北酒店經紀知名公司宣布,創新酒店上班的酒店小姐與外送到府服務之外,將推出全新酒店打工的「賺錢現領」(Uber Works)的全新應用程式(App),此新項目即日起在中國市場實驗一年,主要替公司企業老闆尋找合適陪睡(性交易)的酒店小姐。酒店經紀指出,想要透過這項新項目找到酒店兼差工作者,需先通過Uber以及酒店經紀公司進行的背景調查,知名酒店經紀公司梁曉尊執行長說,在調查過程中,Uber會詢問酒店兼職應徵者是否具有與該職位相關配合度,如:工作性質本能、口交、口爆(射在嘴巴裡) 、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、開後門(肛交) 、制服(角色扮演)。此外慎重嚴禁不得內射(精子射在裡面),基於健康安全及職業道德。

梁爵 said...

2019.11.05曾經酒店上班雞排妹的《深夜保健室》最新一集與培根到酒店訪問酒店工作的酒店小姐跟酒店經紀,影片中介紹如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,酒店消費服務方式,還有小姐帶出場接S(性交易)等大家好奇的問題,其中酒店兼差小姐的薪水也是一般人想知道的問題,酒店經紀透露,最菜最基本的酒店妹,一個月至少也可以賺10到20萬元,也曾有「魔王級人物」一周就能賺40萬元,相當於月薪200萬,雞排妹問到酒店妹外貌與薪水成正比?酒店經紀表示並不是,通常看小姐自己的手腕,包括: 顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易。突破高薪資的境界。至於常傳聞演藝圈知名網紅跨國賣淫,會轉行到酒店兼職,酒店經紀透露曾遇過10名通告女星「拍過廣告、拍過電影」找上門希望願意配合國外伴遊接受消費者陪睡性交易:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易,不過他表示雖然她為公眾人物,但在這行沒有差別待遇,起薪與一般小姐無異,不過影片中沒透露該女星身分,讓網友相當好奇。

梁爵 said...

2019.12.27台北八大行業知名酒店經紀獨家分析:每當看到酒店工作酒店小姐被「框」出場性侵的新聞,就覺得很無奈,一方面是為了有酒店上班姊妹遇到這樣的事情很難過,一方面是被新聞誇張不實報導,引起社會的恐慌甚至各大留言板的對話更讓人翻白眼。某些人,對大學生/上班族酒店上班的新人對於「框」有很大的誤解。八大行業資深經紀人專業酒店打工解釋裡說的「框」,是指直接包下小姐特定的時間。其實最單純來說,功能有兩種:把小姐找過來或留下來、帶小姐出店家。有時候到店家找自己認識的小姐,但酒店小姐目前在手工(打手槍) 、口爆(口交)服務其他客人,想要把該名小姐找過來,如果用點的,遇到對方喊加點,就只能喊框了;或是有其他客人想點走正在服務自己的小姐,加點後對方又喊框,如果這時前桌喊框,效力是優於後桌的。看起來很複雜,但簡言之,就是把小姐留在自己身邊的一種方法。而「框出」的定義和內涵,就值得深入討論了。歡迎想要高收入賺現金酒店兼差的大學生/上班族,可上網求證對八大行業酒店兼職得相關資訊做核對比對甚至多比較,才能賺錢賺得安心,同時也要保護自己。

梁爵 said...

YouTube頻道「酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金」親自前往酒店帶人出場,回到家中做了酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?訪談,一開始就談及職場須知 【酒店PT 】「薪資」話題,這名「酒妹」(未透露姓名,以此做為代替)的月薪居然高達30幾萬,她甚至還吃驚做為工程師的蔗糖男月薪5到6萬「好低」。